
A journey towards appreciating all of the beauty, hope and even the not so nice things that life has to offer.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's A Miracle...

"There are two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle."       ~Albert Einstein

I choose the latter.  I am exhausted tonight, but I am truly thankful for all of my miracles.  It's a miracle that we completed our school work, I ran all of my errands, made a real dinner, played soccer with my boys, did three loads of laundry (even though I only put away two of them), washed dishes, took the boys to the movies and still got everyone in bed on time.  I am so thankful, that I just made a pan of brownies to celebrate. [Yes, I know what time it is.]  And it's gonna be a miracle if I don't eat the entire pan by myself ..... that may be the biggest miracle of them all!  : 0 )

*Choose to be positive. Your life might be jammed pack, exhausting and maybe even frustrating sometimes, but the alternative is that it could be empty.  See the miracles.

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